
business disaster marketing Feb 13, 2020

Diamond jewelry.

Luxury leather goods.

Designer clothes.


Luxury Goods and Viruses Are Related.  Who knew?

The luxury goods market has recently been decimated by the presence of an infectious disease.  Who had any idea they were related?


The world and everything in it is interrelated.  Some relationships are obvious.  But in many cases relationships are not understood or identified ... until they have manifested.

That's the case with luxury goods and the coronavirus.  Luxury goods have been taking a huge hit because of the fear that is keeping people out of public places. The fear that is keeping people from traveling.  The fear that is dampening people's spirits.  The fear that is making people focus on more immediate elements in their lives than purchasing luxury goods. 

Who knew?

What about your business and products?  Perhaps it's time to think about how they could be impacted by events in society or the world?  It's a daunting task to try to consider everything that could happen.  In fact, you simply can't imagine every possible scenario.  It's just impossible to consider everything that could impact your business.  

But you can ask general questions that can provide a lot of the same information, based on the result of such events.  That can be very helpful. ...

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Stick With It

personal development tool Feb 12, 2020

Once I learn this, I will upgrade to something better.

When I need those functions, I will change to something that has them.

I will start with this because I can afford it.

What excuses do you have for using substandard tools?

It's not that the tool that you picked is bad, but perhaps you were not looking at the big picture.

The tool I am talking about here is mostly software, but it can apply to power tools, vacuum cleaners, hedge cutters or just about anything else.

When picking a tool that we need, we often use criteria that really doesn't support our long term use of the tool.  We look for inexpensive.  Easy to use.  But those criteria may not serve us well in the long run.

If we need to upgrade later, or if we need additional functions, then we have to start the whole process over again.  Time wasted on the second decision process. 

If we need to buy another product, the money from the first purchase would have offset part of the price of the second.

Time Is Money Too

Perhaps the biggest problem with buying something with the anticipation of upgrading later is this:  You have spent time and money two times to essentially buy a single solution.  Moreover, you are spending time learning two products, rather than spending all of that time on one product and becoming more expert at it.  

Buying Recommendation


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Tool Selection

tool wisdom Feb 11, 2020

The Function Of Tools

What is a tool?  To me it's something that you can use to help make what you are doing:

  • Possible
  • Easier to make/create
  • Better Quality

A tool can be just about anything.  A hammer.  A software program.  A checklist.  A system.  

Tools can also be used for functions that they were not designed for.  How many times have you used a butter knife as a screwdriver?  Maybe a pocket knife as a prybar.  A wordprocessor as a presentation program?  A credit card as a car window snow scraper?

Tools can be used and misused in a variety of ways we can only imagine.  

But in most cases, it is best to use a tool that was designed for the function we want to perform.  It's not optimal to drive a nail into wood with a travel coffee mug. It's silly to shovel snow with a serving spoon.  Both will work, but far from optimally.   

What tools do you use in your life?

Perhaps it's time to take an inventory of your tools and see if you have the right ones for the jobs that you are performing.

Could the wrong tools be holding you back from your best work?

If's time to obtain and use the best tool(s) for the job(s) you do.

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Do Something Different

education Feb 10, 2020

Do Something Different

Where does wisdom come from?   I believe it is from the accumulation of knowledge.

Where does knowledge come from?  It's from learning.

Where can you learn? that's a great question.

The answer is this.  You can learn from anyone. Anywhere. Anytime. 


You learn when you are not doing something you have done before. 

If you did it before, you already know it, so you are not learning anything new.

It's when you do something new or different when you learn. 

And when you learn, you gain knowledge.

When you gain knowledge, you grow in wisdom

Become Wise.  Do something different. 

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Light Switch Simple

processes Feb 07, 2020


The average light switch. Deceptively simple.

Even a child can use it.

But what is behind the plate is far more complex.

Light bulb. Fuses. Wiring. Power generation. etc.

That is all hidden from view.  Why?  Because it doesn't matter.  You don't need to know about the mechanics.  You need light.

The light switch is the personification of simplicity.  It gets the job done with virtually no thought or effort. 

Give people what they want ... without the complexity.

How can you make your complex content ... light-switch simple?

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White Space

communication marketing Feb 06, 2020

Whitespace ...















It might not have anything in it....but it's not empty.

It can have a message that can make you do something.

This whitespace made you scroll down.  

Without instructions.  Without words.  Without effort.

Do you use whitespace effectively?  Do you use it to communicate?

If not ... 









...Why not?

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Keep Your Cool

relationships Feb 05, 2020

You A**hole WTF!!!

How does that make you feel when you read this?  

Hot under the collar?  Head ready to pop?

So if someone came up to you with that type of statement,

Do you think being angry back will (a) Escalate or (b) de-escalate the situation?

Anger doesn't reduce other anger...

Road rage.  Drunken arguments. 

These don't end well when anger meets anger. And it doesn't help in a business or personal relationship either.  

If someone is angry at you...what do you want?  To resolve the situation, or to yell back in anger?  Do you want to make things right or worse? 

You can't expect the other person to calm down if you don't.  

It's up to you on how you will respond to anger.  Most people will have a hard time staying angry if you respond in a controlled manner.

Respond with calmness.  Lead by example.

I think you know what to do.

Keep your cool.


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Hobby Or Business?

business Feb 04, 2020

So you are putting in the time. You are developing your interest.  Creating something that you know people will want.

But... How are you approaching what you are doing?

Do You Have A Hobby ... Or A Business?

There is an entirely different level of commitment that you have when you say you are starting a business, rather than having a hobby.

And because of that, you will ...

Run things differently.

You will schedule time to get things done ... like in a business.

You will manage your finances .... like a business.

You will work with others who are helping you ... like a business.

You will manage your customers and "tribe" ... like a business.

And you will more likely achieve success ... like a business.

Hobbies are for interests.

Businesses are for livelihood.

Don't expect a hobby level of effort and commitment to give you business returns.

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language marketing Feb 03, 2020


Just what does that word mean?  What does it mean to you?

It sounds like it provides honesty.  Something that is real.  Something of value.

Perhaps its how you see yourself.  Or the product or service you provide.

But can it mean something else?

What does it mean if another word is added?  A word like ... imitation, or ...fraud, or ... artificial?

Genuine Imitation.

Genuine Fraud.

Genuine Artificial.

Now the meaning is entirely different.  It doesn't have any positive connotations.  It broadcasts a message of cheap, fake and ... avoid.

Why is this important?

You need to be sure that you don't leave your message half-finished.  Don't let your audience "fill in the blank".

You may not like how they complete it.

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Just what the heck is a "decision" anyway?

It seems like every time we have to make a "decision", it's because we are faced with a problem.

Do you make a "decision" if you need another piece of cake?  

Do you make a "decision" if you need a new automobile?

Do you make a "decision" to do the right thing?

Do you make a "decision" if you are going to make a career move?

 It seems like a "decision" is an either/or process. One option can be good, one could be bad.  And it's up to us to "decide" which we will take a chance on.  

We do this ... or we do that.  We decide on one thing versus another.

But what about a "choice"?

It's nice when we can make a "choice".

A "choice" if we want that additional piece of cake.

A "choice" if we want to replace our existing automobile.

A "choice" to do the right thing.

A "choice" if we want to change careers.

A "Choice" seems to imply that we have two or more good options that we can choose from.  It's a good place to be.

A "Decision" seems to imply that we are faced with options, some of which could be bad.  It's not a great place to be.

How nice it would be if all of our "Decisions" could actually be "Choices".

It's your choice on which to use in the future.

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