Effective Reading


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If you are like I am, I read a lot.  It's where I learn a lot from what other people have written.  It might be a blog. A book. An article. An eBook. 

But HOW do you remember what you want from the article?  

Here is my system, that I usually use. (I have to admit that I don't use this all the time, but am working on improving on this great habit.)  I use this when there is something that I am reading that I would really like to learn from.  

Here is my system ....

  1. I really like to print out what I am going to read.  It's an essential element of my reading process.  But I usually print double sided and 2 pages per side to cut down on paper and ink.
  2. I select a place and time when I will not be disturbed where I can devote my full attention to the reading.
  3. I have a highlighter and a pen in hand.
  4. When I start, I look at the title and ask myself, "What am I reading?".  This puts my mind in the right frame of mind, focused on that type of content.
  5. Most reading is broken up into chapters, and often into subsections with headers.  Don't skip the chapter titles and header titles.  Just like the title of the book, read the headers and ask yourself, "what am I going to learn in this section / chapter?".
  6. Read the chapter or section, paragraph by paragraph.  If there is an...
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