Destruction Of Success

business competition Feb 21, 2020

The Best

Everyone strives to be the best.  

The best in school.  The best athlete.  The best restaurant.  The best vacation spot. The best ... anything.

But what happens when a product is made that is above all the rest.  A product that is so good, it seems like it gives its users an unfair advantage.

They think you are cheating.   They think you are gaming the system

And they look for a way to "take you down". To have you removed from the competition. To ban your product or service.  

Why is that?  Is it because they are far better? Or because you can't compete with them?

No, it's because the product or service is too good.

A Superior Competitor.

It's alright to be upset when your product or service is bettered by another company.  That's called healthy competition. That should be your motivation for you to do better.

Destruction of Success

What isn't acceptable is to seek to ban or destroy a competitor's success.  

Destroying another's success puts us all on a downward spiral to mediocrity. 

Destroying another's success doesn't make us all better. It makes us worse.

The destruction of other's success ... isn't a success. 


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