Who Knows You?

I just was watching a Stu McLaren presentation in his flagship program, "Tribe", being presented virtually this year.

Stu was recounting his journey on how he arrived to the point he is today and the success he has earned.  There is a very important lesson that he shared, which he learned from one of his mentors.   It's worth repeating here because of the power of the message.

Success doesn't come from who you know. It doesn't come from what you know.  While both of these may be important, to a degree, the real power comes from this:  Who knows YOU?

The power of that statement can't be overstated. 

Let's look at these statements:

Who do you know?

Perhaps a great follow up question is this.  Who cares who you know?  We have all met many people in our lives.  We know who they are, but unless there is a meaningful connection with them, they likely don't know you in the way that will make a difference in you life. Unless others think about you, who you know is meaningless.

What do you know?

Again, you may know a lot.  Most people know a lot about something. Some people know a lot about a lot of different topics.  But fundamentally if nobody knows what you know; If nobody has learned from you; If nobody sees you as the "go-to" person for that topic, does that knowledge help you? How can you capitalize on your knowledge, and...

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