What Are You Doing?

So, what are you doing?

Right now.

Is it providing value to your life?  Is it helping you achieve your ultimate goals and objectives?  I hope so, after all, you are reading my blog, and the focus of this writing is to help you stop and think about the questions and comments that I post.  Then to have you think about them the remainder of the day, and perhaps the remainder of your life.

This question, What Are You Doing? is an extremely important question that you should be using all the time, and at any time.  There should be a good answer to the question each and every time you ask it.  And don't just accept any B.S. answer.  If you are on social media and you ask What are you doing?  You might be able to answer, I am actually building my relationships with others who I may be able to help me in the future when I am in need of resources for a project.  That's great if it's true.  But if you honestly have to answer, I am just checking out what people posted last night... and you realize that you are doing that just to delay working on what is really important that you need to do, but don't want to do, then you have made yourself aware.

It also can be situational. Out to dinner with friends, but your mind is elsewhere, what are you doing?  Reading a junk magazine, ...

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