Psychological Vs Physical Impact Of COVID19

Boy did the you-know-what hit the fan with the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Going back to New Year's Eve 2019, who would have guessed the massive pivot that would have occurred in the first few months of 2020?

I didn't.  And I suspect that only those in the epicenter really understood what we were facing in the beginning of 2020. Everyone else was blissfully ignorant of the massive microbe that was rapidly moving across the face of the globe, which would produce yet another "before" and "after" point in time in modern world history.

Before And After Points In Time

When dramatic events occur that shape the world, there are two elements to the "before" and "after" pivot that occurs.  The real physical element that happens and the psychological fallout of the event.  These may be seen as the primary event and secondary fallout. 

In WW2, the primary impact of the event occurred in only some parts of the world, yet the secondary impact was felt world wide.  The same for 9/11.  The primary impact of the initial event was quite small, (geographically), yet the secondary impact was also felt world wide. 

COVID19, like these other events will slice the events of the world in two.  "Before-COVID" and "After-COVID" is already being used by many to describe recent time.  The rapid progression of this event changed many elements of our world, with many...

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The Voice Of Doubt.

Do you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you that you are not smart enough to lead others?  Maybe not smart enough to coach or teach them?  Maybe not even smart enough to be their friend or co-worker?

You are not alone.

The Voice Of Doubt Is In Everyone's Head

What you are hearing in your head is your voice of doubt.  The voice of your limiting beliefs. And it's the voice that stops you from advancing.  That voice talking to you in your head is probably the worst coach that you could ever imagine.  It has been the reason that billions of people have not reached their full potential.  

In listening to and reading about people from all walks of life and all positions, it's clear that everyone hears this voice.  This "coach" sure gets around and wreaks havoc with people.  It's one thing to hear those words of discouragement, but it's even worse when we listen to them. 

You May Hear Voices, But You Don't Need To Listen Or Agree

The voices won't be going away.  Everyone has them.  But what makes some people far more confident and successful is based on a couple of secrets that they have.   

First, they may hear those negative voices, but they don't listen to them.  And even better, they don't agree or encourage them.  That goes a long way to helping...

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Distraction or Concentration?

Today I was sitting in my auto while my wife was in the grocery store picking up some items we needed during this lockdown.  We sometimes go into the store together, but now we limit our exposures by only having one of us get "exposed"! 

In The Parking Lot

So I am sitting in my auto, waiting for my wife to return.  I know it's going to take a bit of time, so I break out what every other person would do.  I get my phone out.  Now after a few unsuccessful attempts on calling people (Where are they?  After all we are all on lockdown...) I decide to do some Sudoku.  I call up the game and start play.

Then Something Unusual Happened.

I looked up and everything had changed.  The shopping carts in the collection queues were gone.  The cars around me were all different.  What happened?

Then it hit me.  It was the intense focus on the game.  Time had gone by and I was completely unaware of it.  Was it distraction? Or was it concentration?

Distraction or Concentration?

I know that you really can't multitask.  I have written about that myth before.  And I know that we can get so wrapped up on one thing that it crowds out all other thoughts.  That is what just happened to me.   

Then I thought...

How many people are completely focused on this COVID pandemic that they are unable to...

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