Sick Of Victimhood...

The following is a post from a Facebook physician group.  I thought it was worth repeating here...

"...I am not happy, but I can't do ...."

I see a lot of comments like "I can't do this because of this or that". Sorry, but that doesn't cut it with me. (A bit of tuff love).

The ONLY reason you can't do it is that you are looking at YOUR world through tight blinders. TAKE THE BLINDERS OFF. START LOOKING AT THE WHOLE WORLD. LOOK AT ALL POSSIBILITIES.

Now having said that, it may be difficult. It may be hard. It may be a sacrifice, but here is the truth: Physicians are smart people and can do a lot. They can do medicine...and other things also. But only if you explore them. Decide on them and then execute on your decision.

For example...look at your average healthcare CEO. Why can't you do it? You won't likely get the CEO job initially, but certainly some other positions and move up. You don't have any God-given right to start at the top, just because you are a physician. Play IN the game, and not expect to get any special consideration.

If you say "you can't do it", it's only because you are unwilling to change. You are unwilling to learn something new. You are unwilling to give up your comfort zone. In that case...face reality. Don't blame the system for being stuck in it.

Tony Robbins said,


Those are powerful words to live by. Remember them. If...

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