You Don't Get To The Next Floor In One Step

Life is like climbing a skyscraper.

We are constantly trying to go up ... Up  ... UP

All of the time.  Looking to achieve what is next.

But just like trying to get to that next floor, we can't do it in one step.  It's simply impossible.

Yes, we can use a ladder.  We can climb the stairs. We can even use a rope to climb up.

But in all cases...we are going to the next floor step by step.  A little bit at a time.

Take Small Steps

But these small steps, these small increments allow us to climb to a higher level. To a level that is impossible to gain access to in a single step, but is not just doable, but actually is easy when taken in small steps.

Big goals are like tall floors.  They are impossible to reach in a single step.  The higher the goal, the higher the floor.  But NO floor can't be reached if you use the stairs or a ladder.   

What are the steps or ladder rungs that you will construct to allow you to reach your goal or objective?  How must you divide up the journey into small steps that you can maneuver?

Take the time to take it one step at a time.

It's better to take the stairs and get to the next floor than to keep jumping hoping that you will jump high enough one day.

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