You're A Liar!

Sometimes you just want to scream that at people.  Call them out for the B.S. that they are feeding you.  You know it's bunk, but how do you confirm that?  How can you make them realize that they are not telling the truth?

Truth Is Everything

Knowing the truth is useful in all areas of your life.  Knowing when to believe the used car salesman.  Understanding when your kids are not being honest.  Detecting deception of an employee.  Seeing through the lies of politicians...

Knowing when you are being fed B.S. is a powerful skill.  Reading faces. Body language. Spotting nervousness.  These are all techniques that have been promoted as being reliable "B.S. meters", but they don't work as well as you may think.  Some people are just pros at feeding you a line of B.S.  In fact, the real pros actually believe their own B.S.  Those are the truly dangerous ones.

Is there a better way to identify a liar?

In this article from Get Pocket, The Best and Worst Ways To Spot A Liar, there is a great discussion of ways that work, and those that don't, in detecting lies.  It's worth a read, because it will quickly provide you with some easy tools to cut through the B.S. that we face everyday. 

This simple technique is very powerful and it can help you spot a liar, not just in your own conversation, but from conversations of others where there are real probing questions.  This article helps you understand what to watch for.  What someone's answers to probing questions can tell you about the truthfulness of the individual. But also listening to the questions being asked can also tell you legions about the goals of the person asking the questions.  Are they asking difficult and detailed questions that allow the person being interviewed the ability to provide a detailed free-form answer that will provide you with insight? Or will the questions be soft-ball simple, often pre-loaded with a statement, leading to the desired answer the interviewer is seeking?

Open To Questions? Or In Hiding?

Another level of this technique is seeing how individuals either allow probing questions, or if they intentionally are insulated from answering difficult questions.  Do they have the confidence to be exposed to difficult and probing questions?  Or do they hide and limit the ability of others to question them and their motivations?  Are they trying to provide truthful answers or hide behind simple answers and lies.  Are they being honest and spontaneous? Or are they being fed predetermined answers to predetermined questions?  In such cases, their responses may be an element of well orchestrated propagandaWho's answers are you actually hearing? 

Understanding the techniques in this article can provide you with the tools to help detect a liar.  It's equally useful in one-on-one conversations or interviews,  but also equally helpful when you are in an observers perspective, such as a professional debate.

Why Identifying A Liar Is Important

Currently there is too much B.S. out there, and it's impacting the quality of our life. More B.S. will not make our life better.  It's time to learn how to detect B.S. and call it out for what they are: Lies.

Lies do not serve anyone well. What is their motive? One has to wonder what is being hidden by the lies that you are being fed.  I believe that it's obvious that such activity is hiding a malevolent intent.  If it were truly an altruistic motive, they would not need to lie about it. Everyone would be on board.

It's time to demand truth and honesty. You can start by learning how to spot a liar.  How to determine if they are hiding information, of if they are freely providing you with information in a transparent manner.  Then call out the liars.  Help expose them. And label them the fraud that they are.

The truth will set you free.

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