You're A Liar!

Sometimes you just want to scream that at people.  Call them out for the B.S. that they are feeding you.  You know it's bunk, but how do you confirm that?  How can you make them realize that they are not telling the truth?

Truth Is Everything

Knowing the truth is useful in all areas of your life.  Knowing when to believe the used car salesman.  Understanding when your kids are not being honest.  Detecting deception of an employee.  Seeing through the lies of politicians...

Knowing when you are being fed B.S. is a powerful skill.  Reading faces. Body language. Spotting nervousness.  These are all techniques that have been promoted as being reliable "B.S. meters", but they don't work as well as you may think.  Some people are just pros at feeding you a line of B.S.  In fact, the real pros actually believe their own B.S.  Those are the truly dangerous ones.

Is there a better way to identify a liar?

In this article from Get Pocket, The Best and Worst Ways To Spot A Liar, there is a great discussion of ways that work, and those that don't, in detecting lies.  It's worth a read, because it will quickly provide you with some easy tools to cut through the B.S. that we face everyday. 

This simple technique is very powerful and it can help you spot a liar, not just in your own conversation, but from conversations of...

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Fender Bender Crystal Ball

human nature Feb 18, 2020

Want to know a secret?

It's about human nature.  

If you want to predict what someone else is going to do in the future, just look at what they did in the past. You don't need a crystal ball.  Just use your eyes and ears. 

When I am driving, if I see a smashed-up car on the road ... I stay far away from it.  Their past driving behavior will likely repeat itself.

If I know of someone who blames other people for things ... I know they likely won't complete a task and will likely blame someone or something else as the reason.

If I see a person who has run or started a successful business, I will get to know them if I want to do the same.

If I see a person lie, then I probably won't trust that person in the future.

If I see happy and smart kids, it's likely their parents know how to parent well.

What do your "fenders" look like?  

Can others use your "fenders" as a crystal ball of your future?

If your fenders look bad...perhaps it's time to go to the repair shop.

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