Keep Your Cool

relationships Feb 05, 2020

You A**hole WTF!!!

How does that make you feel when you read this?  

Hot under the collar?  Head ready to pop?

So if someone came up to you with that type of statement,

Do you think being angry back will (a) Escalate or (b) de-escalate the situation?

Anger doesn't reduce other anger...

Road rage.  Drunken arguments. 

These don't end well when anger meets anger. And it doesn't help in a business or personal relationship either.  

If someone is angry at you...what do you want?  To resolve the situation, or to yell back in anger?  Do you want to make things right or worse? 

You can't expect the other person to calm down if you don't.  

It's up to you on how you will respond to anger.  Most people will have a hard time staying angry if you respond in a controlled manner.

Respond with calmness.  Lead by example.

I think you know what to do.

Keep your cool.


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Talk To Someone

Social and Digital Media is NOT personal communication

Modes of communication have become too impersonal.  

An emoji isn't a substitute for true emotion.

If your mouth can't keep up with your brain, then how can your fingers on a keyboard?

Put down the keyboard.

Pick up the phone.  Call someone.  Have a REAL conversation. Have a REAL relationship.

Better them and talk in person.

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