Schedule Block Time

Do You Have The Time To Get Things Done?

I just don't have the time.

I am always being interrupted.

I always have something else to do.

I ...<insert YOUR excuse here>

The fact is this.  If you want to get something done, you will make the time to do it.  Simple enough.  Lack of time to do something is your priority.  Don't blame it on lack of time.  Perhaps it's time, to schedule time, a priority.

Block Time

If you want to get something done, schedule it.  Create a block of time that you will dedicate yourself to working on that one task. 

  • Set a specific goal of what you want to be done in that amount of time. 
  • Hold yourself accountable for getting that specific goal done.
  • Force yourself to eliminate all other distractions. (No social media. No email, etc.)
  • Remove yourself from the incursions of others (phone, walk-ins, etc.)
  • Schedule a break (about 10 minutes each hour for water, bathroom, a quick walk, etc.)
  • If necessary, schedule multiple times and dates to continue your work.

Creating blocks of time is one of the most effective means of getting things done. You create an expectation of yourself.  You provide optimal time and place.  You eliminate distractions.

Give it a try and I will guess that you will be amazed at what you can get done in a defined block of time.

My guess is that...

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