Falling Behind

I have to admit it.

I have fallen behind.  And I hate it.

Self imposed goals.

Creating self imposed goals are one of the keys to effective goal achievement. I do it all the time. 

There are two types of self imposed goals.  The first has a single point in time and single goal.  For example: Fill my auto up with fuel today.  Easy. straightforward.  Singular goal and a singular time frame.  Easy-peasy (usually). Yes there are harder goals, but they all have in common the singular nature of the goal.

The second type of goal is the ongoing goal.  For me, this blog is that type of goal.  A post, every day, five days a week.  It's a goal that never goes away. Once you have completed one, the next one looms before you.  While it keeps you moving forward, it can be difficult to maintain, and if you don't, the negative elements of not meeting that goal ... piles up.

When you fall behind on a repetitive goal, it seems harder to restart.  But it really isn't as hard to restart as it was to initially start.  You know how to do it.  You know that you can do it. But for some reason, you just fell behind.  And now you don't just have your ongoing goal, you have an element of completing the unfinished goals that you missed.

It all seems so daunting.

So you delay even more.

Getting Restarted

But you just have to just...

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