Understand What You Are Supporting

charity volunteer Jul 08, 2020

Peer Pressure "Volunteers"

So you see what you think is a good cause.  It seems like everyone is on board with supporting that cause.  Perhaps there is a lot of pressure to support it.  So you decide to support that cause.  Maybe with money. Maybe in other ways.  And you proudly tell others about your support.

Then they feel the pressure too.

And the support continues to grow.

But what if you found out that you were duped?  What if the project, group, charity or movement wasn't what it said it was. Or perhaps their message and motive were not congruent?  What if they were promoting just for their own wants, and were intentionally duping people about their motive?

Shame on them.

But if you don't speak up and tell others about this subterfuge, and it's abuse of the trust that you gave it, you are as guilty as they are. Shame on you.

So it's important do your research.  Pay attention to the reality.  And when you are given the bait-and-switch, it's time to speak up.

When I Was Duped....

This happened to me many years ago.  In my place of employment there was a very strong arm push to financially support a certain charity. (In fact it wasn't a charity at all...it was a clearing house that collected money, then they decided how to re-donate it...)  It was the "Way" that every one was expected to support.  Anything less that 100% participation was looked down upon.  The pressure was enormous.  Bosses, supervisors, co-workers all were on board, pressuring each other.  Mindlessly supporting something they didn't understand.

And they were very successful.  Millions of dollars were raised using this strong arm tactic. Peer pressure can be very powerful.

But shortly after the conclusion of the annual appeal, there was an article in the local news paper.  It described the enormous self-congratulatory gala that the charity threw to celebrate the success of the campaign.  All of the "big-wigs" were there.  I am sure there was a lot of back slapping, congratulations, great food and drink.  What a great time.  And it cost millions to throw.  Millions of dollars that were donated by employees who were strong armed into giving to this "United" charity.  Moreover, that same charity paid itself enormous sums of money to manage it's process of giving that money to other charities.  The amount that actually got to those in need was only a small fraction of the total donations. 

Everyone was duped by the intentional subterfuge.

Since then, I have fully resisted on giving or supporting any organization which relies on subterfuge, bullying or peer pressure for it's support.  It has been my experience that such organizations hide their true mission.  They lie for the purpose of obtaining financial and other support.  And they prey on others using that ill-gotten support, only to use it as peer justification for others to support them.

We should all learn to really know what we are giving to.  We should all know what we are supporting.  We should all know what the truth is behind the advertising.

And we should reject false messaging, bullying and peer pressure when used to garnish support.

Support what you believe in.  Reject what you don't or don't understand, and certainly never give into bullying or peer pressure.

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