Reweaving Your Tapestry

fall forward leadership Apr 03, 2020

A tapestry is the weaving of many threads into a beautiful work of art that represents a lot of hard work.  Our life is a lot like a tapestry.  Each action in our past representing a thread of that tapestry. It's our history.

But sometimes our world "unravels".  All of the threads are pulled apart. And what results is a pile of threads where a beautiful tapestry once was.

It's Nearly Impossible To Re-Weave A Tapestry

If your business or life is pulled apart, it's nearly impossible to put it back together as it once was.  In fact, it is totally impossible when you consider the time dimension of your work.  What was in the past remains there, unchanged.  You will never get it to look exactly like it was before.

Perhaps Weaving Is Better Than Reweaving

If you have a pile of threads (i.e. resources) isn't it better to see what you can make from those threads?  Isn't it better to look at the future potential of those threads can be, rather than just looking back at what they were?

I suggest that it's easier to weave a new tapestry with your old threads, utilizing the best of the resources you have available to you while bringing in new resources that can complement your current weaving.  It's also a great time to remove and discard those threads which provided no additional beauty or strength to your current tapestry. With that approach, you won't be spending time trying to recreate what has been previously pulled apart.  Instead, you will be able to take the best from the past and combine it with new from your future.  Create, instead of repair.

Create a NEW tapestry from the old.

If your life or business tapestry is pulled apart, remember the beauty it had, but focus on weaving a new, better future tapestry, rather than trying to repair the tapestry that was, but never will be again.


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