Slow Breathing

Controlled Breathing

Breathing is something we all take for granted, unless we stop or can't breath.  But there is another element of breathing that most of us don't realize.  It's about controlling our breathing.

A very good friend of mine shared a tip with me a couple of years ago, to help us calm our inner nervous system, resulting in decreased stress and lower blood pressure.  It's inhaling slowly through your nose, then exhaling out of your mouth, but taking two to three times longer on the exhale.  3 to 5 seconds of inhale followed by 6 to 10 seconds to exhale.  Calming breathing.

I have to admit that I try to do it regularly.  My friend says that doing this for just a couple of minutes a day, three or four times a day can work wonders.   I try to remember, but I am not consistent.  When I seems very calming.

A Good Article On Life Transformation Through Breathing

In the The Guardian there was a short article by James Nestor that describes his transformation through slow breathing.  Just reading it seems calming.  How One Hour Of Slow Breathing Changed My Life.

I thought I would share it with all of my readers.  Perhaps your breathing can be improved and help you better deal with stress. 

It's simple. It's safe. And it might just work wonders for you.

Changing your life doesn't have to be hard.  You just have to change the right thing.


Photo credit:  This photo is of the author of the linked article, James Nestor.  It was copied from the linked article and was taken by Mark Mahaney / The Observer.  If the owner of this image does not wish it to be used here with attribution, please notify the webmaster and it will be promptly removed.   

Here is a link to Nestor's recent book "Breath"  Note: This is NOT an affiliate link.


ThoughtCrafting Tip: When stressed (i.e. your situation), use it as your trigger to interrupt your stress thinking.  Use a thought tool to stop your stressful mode for a moment.  Close your eyes. Practice a few minutes of slow breathing to help you calm your system.  Then harvest the physical and mental benefit. 

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