Alternative To Saying "No"

We all know the power of saying "No".  It can keep you from accepting a bad deal. From allowing others to take advantage of you.  It can save you enormous grief from accepting deals that are simply not in your best interest.

Is there an alternative to saying "no"?

Is there something better than that powerful two-letter word?

You bet there is...

Why are some of the reasons that we would say no?  I think it's because the proposal or position presented to us as part of a negotiation is simply not in our best interest.  It IS a good idea to know how to say no and how to use it to your advantage.  

But let me suggest this:

It's likely that when you say "no", it's because your conditions to the negotiation are not met.  In fact, they are so far away that you are ready to walk away.  You are ready to terminate the negotiation and move on.  But it may not be your best move.  In fact, because you have already decided to walk away, you now have an enormous edge over the party you are negotiating with.  You simply won't accept the position they are offering, and that is powerful.

So what is your option if you don't walk away?

Simple.  Figure out EXACTLY what you want.  Not just what you think the other party will accept, but what YOU want.  Complete wants. No limitations. Crystal clear objectives. 

Then present that to the other party.  Clearly. Without hubris. Without apology. 

What is the worst that can happen?  They don't agree and you (or they) walk away, it's no worse than if you just walked away without presenting your final wants.

What is the best that can happen?  They accept your offer or provide a counter offer that is in excess of the position that you initially refused.

Either way, you remain in control.  You are looking out for your best interest and wants.

When you are about to say "no" and walk away, hit them with everything that you really want.  There is no downside to asking.

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